THE BALKANS INTERNATIONAL WINE COMPETITION is a venue for world wine experts, Masters of Wine, wine merchants, and wine journalists and bloggers from the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan, India, Italy, the Scandinavian countries, Germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands, among others.
THE BALKANS INTERNATIONAL WINE COMPETITION will host representatives of the global wine connoisseur elite. Some of the world’s most qualified and demanding palates will taste and judge the best wines of the Balkans, and discover their unique character, richness, and regional complexity.
THE BALKANS INTERNATIONAL WINE COMPETITION proves to be the most important step in the promotion of the Balkan wines, to help them find their way to the tables of the world’s wine-loving community and earn their due share of the global wine market.
Do you want to learn some of the secrets of wine trade professionals? Do you want to know more about wine for your own enjoyment or simply to impress your partner next time you order wine at a restaurant? Take advantage of the special series of lectures and master classes at the Balkans International Wine Competition, conducted by world-renowned experts and members of the international jury!