Yamantiev's winery has been found in 1969 in the heart of Rhodoppe Mountain in South Bulgaria, close to the Greek Border. Abandoned after the collapse of Socialism in 1989, the winery was initially rented by Yamantiev's family in 1997 and bought in 2000. Having deep venous roots Yamantievs embarked on a very ambitious program of renovation and modernisation. During refurbishment in the winery ancient Roman mosaics were found establishing a link with a Roman Villa dating back two thousand years.
The archaeological discoveries in the area pointed to extensive wine-making activities, a fact which inspired the new owners to spare no effort in establishing the winery. Working with various European Funds, the family planted 70 ha of own vineyards with mainly international grape varieties: Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah, Pinot Noir, Merlot, Alicante Bushe, Viognier, Muscat and Chardonnay.